Case Studies

Talent Use Case

The Commonwealth Bank was implementing the world's largest ABW [ways of working] programme, requiring a large team of change, communications, training and project specialists with a specialised skill set in a global context and high-paced, high-risk environment


  • The requisite amount of resources was not available in the local markets

  • The requisite amount of resources at market rates was unfeasible


  • A Global search identified suitable resources in the hidden talent market

  • Blended team approach reduced aggregate resourcing costs

  • Peer leadership closed competency gaps to ensure delivery quality


Project delivered under-budget, on time, overachieving planned benefits and with recognition of global best practice for ABW implementation by Veldhoen and 'Best Ever Corporate Relocation' by Business Insider

Consulting Use Case

Maersk was undertaking a process simplification and digital transformation across all of it's business lines [sea, rail and road] impacting all staff, partners with siginficant regulatory and ERP implications.


  • Limited awareness of change impacts across diverse initiatives

  • Lack of coordination between dependent projects

  • Concurrently impacted by NotPetya cyber attack


  • Implemented a central transformation office

  • Developed 120 regional and local anchors

  • Established standardised change practices and competency uplift

  • Excecutive reporting of organisational change load and capacity

  • Disaster recovery strategy and delivery


Programme delivered despite realising and managing external threats

Technology Use Case

Telia embarked on a digitalisation ambition in order to access a new market segment and automate tasks to scale efficiently.


  • A highly competent engineering resource base yet with limited change management experience and skills

  • Lack of a centralised project management office or transformation lead

  • A highly egalitarian leadership style comprised of self-organising teams


  • Raise organisational appetite for change through Change Evangelism

  • Appointment of Change Agents across verticals

  • Train-the-trainer and change management certification of change agents

  • Implementation of Roadmap Pro change tools and framework


  • Increased collaboration amongst project leaders

  • Instituted standardised change practices

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

— Albert Einstein